Many of the objects featured in MIACRO are notable due to their scale, but others are remarkable for features unrelated to size. Keep reading to learn the reasoning behind every appearance in MIACRO, as well as to see GIFs of the animations and additional sources of information.
The Atom (Protons, Neutrons & Electrons)
Electrons are subatomic particles, along with the protons & neutrons that form an atom's nucleus. They have a negative charge and are elementary particles (meaning they are not composed of other particles). Elementary, my dear Watson. These electrifying & magnetic personalities make a fitting start to MIACRO.
Protons & neutrons make up the nucleus of an atom. Protons have a positive charge, while neutrons have no charge, thus making the nucleus itself positively charged. These classic particles conclude the atom's debut in MIACRO, and give a nod to quarks, perhaps the most mysterious of elementary particles.
Distances in MIACRO are not to scale. In reality, the distance between electron and nucleus is much greater than shown. Additionally, quarks are actually at a similar scale to electrons. The quarks in MIACRO are drawn as abstract symbols to represent their structures.
Fundamental Particles and Interactions materials from the Contemporary Physics Education Project
Gamma Rays
Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves (aka light, although gamma rays are outside the visible spectrum.) They consist of elementary particles called photons. Photons are known for having properties of both particles and waves. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum, earning them their place among MIACRO's tiniest.
H2O Molecules
H2O molecules make up water, which makes up ~75% of the Earth's surface. They consist of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Water is a necessary ingredient for life here on our blue planet. This molecule keeps things on Earth operating swimmingly, and is a welcome addition to MIACRO.
Water Molecule Structure by Martin Chaplin
Sticky Water from Exploratorium
Other Molecules
MIACRO also features two additional molecules. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is known as the primary building block of energy for most forms of life. Glucose, or sugar, is an important energy source for many animals, including humans. Sweet!
How Big are Biochemical Nuts and Bolts? from Cell Biology by the Numbers
DNA Molecules
This iconic molecule needs no introduction, but it will get one anyway because this is an informational page. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, stores genetic information for all life as we know it. It comes in a double helix shape, and can be found inside the nucleus of every cell in one's body. While only a few nanometers across, the DNA from one cell is actually a few meters in length. DNA was the first animation developed for MIACRO.
DNA Structure from North Dakota State University
DNA Packaging: Nucleosomes and Chromatin from ScitableViruses
There are two viruses present in MIACRO . Viruses are essentially DNA or RNA surrounded by proteins. Bacteriophages infect single-celled organisms like bacteria. They are quite common, found anywhere bacteria are present. As you're reading this in 2020 or later, you may have heard of this next guest, the particularly viral coronavirus. It is the cause of the disease COVID-19, and of the coronavirus pandemic. Perhaps the only upside to the deadly pandemic is that it resulted in an extended deadline for MIACRO.
Bacteriophage from Microbiology and Immunology Online
Coronavirus from Encyclopaedia BritannicaX Chromosome
The X chromosome's name has nothing to do with its shape, nor does it have to do with superpowered mutants. All chromosomes are made of DNA, which is condensed from meter-long strands into the familiar micrometer-long X shape during cell division. In humans, the X chromosome is one of two sex-determining chromosomes, along with the Y chromosome. Regardless of sex or gender, everyone has at least one X, making it a good representative chromosome for MIACRO.
Open questions: Chromosome condensation - Why does a chromosome look like a chromosome? from ResearchGate
DNA Packaging: Nucleosomes and Chromatin from ScitableBlood Cells
MIACRO features human red and white blood cells, which both play important roles in keeping us healthy. Red blood cells are disk shaped, and are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body as part of the circulatory system. In a similar vein, white blood cells help protect the body from harmful invaders as part of the immune system.
Blood Cell Overview from ScienceDirect
Neurons are cells that are responsible for sending signals throughout the nervous system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that extend throughout the body. The soma or cell body of a neuron is typically just a few micrometers across, but the axons that extend from them can be up to four meters long. These cells are excitable, though they communicate nervously. The neurons in MIACRO are based on interneurons, which transmit messages between other neurons.
The Human Nervous System from Biology Mad
Brain Facts and Figures from University of WashingtonHuman Zygote
The human zygote is formed when a sperm cell joins with an egg cell, which is shown in MIACRO. The formation of the zygote marks the first step of the process of human development. The fertilized zygote contains all the genetic information needed to eventually construct an entire human being. The human egg cell is the only cell in the human body that can be seen with the naked eye.
Embryo developing over 5 days video from Fertility Specialist Sydney
Eggs from the National Center for Biotechnology Information Microorganisms
Tardigrades and amoebas are the microbial stars of MIACRO. They are both microorganisms that like to live in damp places. Tardigrades are known for being able to withstand harsh conditions- including high levels of radiation, extreme temperatures, and even vacuums. They are also known as "water bears" or "moss piglets". Amoebas are single celled amorphous organisms that are capable of altering their shape.
Facts about Tardigrades from Live Science
Size comparison of Bacteria, Amoeba, Animal & Plant Cells from Seattle PiCoastal Redwood Seed
The coastal redwood (spoiler alert) is the tallest tree, yet its seeds are only a few millimeters in size. Each redwood seed cone contains approximately 3-7 of the tiny seeds. MIACRO's seed-to-sapling animation is not necessarily accurate to the actual sprouting process, but rather is an abstract representation of growth.
Redwood facts from
Army Ants
Army ants have surprisingly complex social lives. MIACRO's ants are based on Eciton burchelli. They build temporary nests, or bivouacs, using their own bodies, and search for food in large organized swarm raids. The ants rely on pheromones to communicate. Other insects can live among the ants without being detected by mimicking ant pheromones. MIACRO's ants are also a nod to other ant-related projects the creator of MIACRO was involved in, including the AntU Travelling Exhibit and The Colony.
Army Ant- an overview from ScienceDirect
Human Brain
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, and one of the most complex structures we know of. It is responsible for all of our thoughts, feelings, and our body's functionality. Every brain has its own unique set of experiences, and is in charge of a unique human. Take a moment to appreciate the intricacy of your brain, and the neurodiversity of the human race. A human brain was the mastermind behind MIACRO's creation.
Human Brain: facts and information from National Geographic
Brain Facts and Figures from University of WashingtonFlock of Starlings
The birds in MIACRO are based on starlings. The movements of a flock of birds is called murmuration. Murmuration is seen in many species, but starlings are perhaps the best known for this behavior. While the full effect of the flocking isn't seen in MIACRO, their inclusion is a reference to the mesmerizing performances.
Flight of the Starlings: Watch This Eerie but Beautiful Phenomenon | Short Film Showcase by National Geographic
Starling murmurations: the science behind one of nature's greatest displays by A. Jamie Wood And Colin BealeHuman Being
If you are reading this, you are most likely a human being. The person in MIACRO is based on anatomical diagrams, featuring the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves), circulatory system (heart, lungs, veins, arteries), skeletal system (skeleton), muscular system (muscles), and integumentary system (skin) of a typical human. These bipedal primates are known for their complex brains, organized societies, intricate languages, and ability to create animated videos.
Human Height from Our World in Data
African Elephant
The African bush elephant is the largest terrestrial animal alive today, weighing up to 7 tons. Elephants are social, intelligent animals that live in matriarchal groups. Some say that an elephant never forgets, which is a rather unfair standard to hold an elephant to. However, they do indeed have good memories; they can remember the locations of previously visited watering holes, and they have been known to return to the bones of dead family members for years after their deaths.
African Elephant from National Geographic
Blue Whale
The blue whale is the largest known animal to ever have existed on this planet, fitting right in with the cast of MIACRO. Weighing up to 200 tons, these intelligent gentle giants mainly feed on microscopic krill. In addition to being large, they are also quite loud. Blue whales can hear one another from up to 1,600 meters away. They are thought to use their songs for communication and sonar navigation. To live life as one of these distinguished creatures sounds like a whale of a good time.
Blue Whale from National Geographic
There is debate among paleontologists- that is to say they may have a bone to pick- regarding what the largest dinosaur is. Contenders for the title include Argentinosaurus huinculens and Patagotitan mayorum. MIACRO refers to the generic Titanosauria, a group of sauropods that includes both. While we don't know for sure what the largest dinosaur was, it was most likely a titanosaur. Titanosaurs are longer than blue whales, but the whales win in terms of mass.
The Titanosaur at The American Museum of Natural History
International Space Station
The International Space Station (ISS) is a low-orbit laboratory that circles Earth approximately sixteen times a day. It is the largest spacecraft ever built (as of the time MIACRO was made), so big that it had to be sent up in pieces and assembled in space. It orbits close enough that its reflective solar panels can sometimes be seen from down on the surface (check NASA's Spot the Station site).
Coastal Redwood Tree
Coastal redwoods are the tallest living trees. They are also incredibly long-lived, some reaching ages of 1800 years or more. Talk about being evergreen. They only live on a small section the western coast of the United States, and they are highly resistant to pests and flames. While these giants are the largest individual organisms, some colonies of organisms such as Pando or honey mushrooms rival their size.
Coast redwood from Encyclopaedia Britannica
The USS Enterprise
If you have boldly gone this far down the page, you may be a big enough nerd to recognize this iconic fictional vessel, the USS Enterprise-D. This Galaxy-class starship is the setting of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the majestic flagship of the United Federation of Planets. It is nearly twice the size of the Enterprise model from The Original Series of Star Trek. The starship's appearance is an easter egg for sci-fi fans watching MIACRO.
Mount Everest
Mount Everest in Tibet and Nepal is the highest mountain-- above sea level. There are other mountains that challenge Everest's title depending on how "tallest mountain" is defined. Not counting sea level, Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the tallest from base to peak. Due to the force of rotation, Earth's equator is thicker than other parts, making the peak of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador the farthest point from the Earth's center. MIACRO's inclusion of Everest is mostly due to its fame.
What is the highest point on Earth as measured from Earth's center? from the National Ocean Service
Mariana Trench
The Mariana Trench is the deepest trench on Earth. It is located under the western Pacific Ocean. The deepest part of the trench, known as Challenger Deep, is deeper than Mount Everest is high. The trench is a high-pressure environment to live in - literally - but that doesn't stop life from trying. Residents of the trench include many species of microorganisms, small shrimp-like amphipods, sea cucumbers, and even fish.
Mariana Trench: The Deepest Depths from LiveScience
MIACRO's meteorological cameo is a hurricane, or tropical cyclone. These powerful storm systems can vary in size and strength, and often have devastating effects on communities and ecosystems. A hurricane's massive destructive power really blows one away. Hurricanes also have an "eye", or a small region in the center that is relatively calm compared to the rest of the storm.
Hurricane Facts from
Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones from National GeographicThe Moon
The Moon is a natural satellite that orbits the Earth. It is thought to have been formed from the debris of a collision early in Earth's history. The Moon's rotation and its orbit around the Earth take about the same length of time, meaning that only one side of the Moon's surface is visible from Earth. While many other planets have moons, MIACRO chose to feature our humble neighbor. We have our moon to thank for Earth's tides, and for inspiring humanity's curiosity and imagination throughout history.
Moon from NASA
The Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. It is the only planet known to possess life, and as such is the home planet of MIACRO's creator. It is often referred to as the blue planet, in reference to its vast oceans of water that help sustain its living guests. Its orbit around the sun is the basis for our years, and our days correspond to its rotation around its axis. It could be said that the Earth's rotation is enough to make one's day. The Earth is our home, and it should be treated as such.
Earth from NASA
Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in the solar system. At more than twice the mass of every other planet combined, it is deserving of a spot among MIACRO's ranks. It is known for its Great Red Spot, which is actually an enormous storm. Jupiter is a gas giant with many moons, one of which is known for the potential of life. Europa shows evidence of a large ocean of water below its surface, that could possibly sustain life.
Jupiter from NASA
Solar Flare
A solar flare is a massive burst of radiation from the sun, often followed by an eruption of plasma called a coronal mass ejection. They are caused by the sun's magnetic field. Powerful enough flares can effect Earth's satellites and other devices, but on the bright side, they can also cause auroras. This astral phenomenon's impressive scale allows it to star in MIACRO.
Solar Flares from Hyper Physics
SDO Shows Images of Significant Solar Flare from NASAThe Sun
MIACRO's brightest and hottest star is the sun. Our sun is a yellow dwarf star. At the center of our solar system, this enormous ball of gas keeps everything together with its attractive gravity. The world quite literally revolves around it. It also provides the energy and warmth needed for life to thrive on Earth, and it does a rather stellar job of it. Humanity owes a lot to our favorite hotshot superstar, from the seasons to the very possibility of life.
Sun from NASA
The Solar System
The solar system contains the sun and all the objects that are bound to its gravity. This includes the 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) as well as dwarf planets such as the beloved Pluto, moons, and asteroids. The asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter, and the Kuiper belt is beyond Neptune. MIACRO's solar system is a simple representation featuring approximate paths of the 8 planets (and therefore its size is based on the distance from the Sun to Neptune).
Solar System from NASA
Diameter of the Solar System from Universe TodaySupermassive Black Hole
Supermassive black holes are made of densely packed matter. When massive amounts of stuff is condensed into a relatively small size, it creates a gravitational pull so great that not even light can escape it. A black hole's event horizon marks the boundary from which there is no return-- what happens inside a black hole stays inside a black hole. Breaking free from the event horizon would require travelling faster than light. Supermassive black holes can have billions of times more mass than our sun crammed into a diameter not much bigger than our solar system.
Astronomers Just Found an Absolutely Gargantuan Black Hole The Mass of 40 Billion Suns from Science Alert
Black Holes from NASAThe Cat's Eye Nebula
The Cat's Eye Nebula is an planetary nebula, though despite the name it has nothing to do with planets. Nebulae are formed when stars like our sun eject their outer layers. The Cat's Eye Nebula is relevant to MIACRO due to its intricate composition. Its complicated form offers an enlightening view into the evolution of stars, though much of the nebula's structure is still a mystery. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Hopefully we will continue to understand more about these formations.
Cat's Eye Nebula from Hubble Space Telescope 25th Anniversary Archive
The Milky Way Galaxy
The Milky Way is the galaxy in which our solar system is located. Galaxies are systems of stars, solar systems, and interstellar gas and dust that are bound by gravity. Many galaxies, including the Milky Way, are thought to have supermassive black holes in their centers. From within the Milky Way, on Earth, it resembles a milky streak across the sky. But from space, its structure as a barred spiral galaxy would be apparent. The regions of our galaxy are mapped based on the large "arms" that spiral out from its center. Our sun is near the Orion Arm/Orion Spur.
The Milky Way just got larger from Discover Magazine
The Milky Way Galaxy from NASA
The Local Group
The Local Group is a group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way. It is composed of more than 50 different galaxies. It also contains our friendly neighbor, Andromeda galaxy, who is growing ever closer to us...meaning that it appears to be on a collision course with the Milky Way. The galactic crash won't happen for billions of years, however. The larger galaxies in the Local Group, like the Milky Way and Andromeda, have smaller satellite galaxies that surround them.
What is the Local Group? From Universe Today
The Virgo Supercluster
The Virgo Supercluster is a superstructure composed of galaxies and galaxy clusters. It contains the Local Group, which contains the Milky Way, which contains our solar system, and so on. It is named for the Virgo Cluster, which is located at its approximate center (about 65 million light years away from Earth). Besides the universe itself, the recursive Virgo Cluster is MIACRO's broadest view of where we live.
All about the Virgo Supercluster from
The Great GRB Wall
The Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, or Great GRB Wall, is the largest structure we know of (as of the time MIACRO was created). This cosmically proportioned galaxy filament was discovered using data from detected gamma ray bursts (GRBs). GRBs are thought to come from supernovas, so they can be used to determine where large masses are concentrated. The Great GRB wall contains millions of galaxies.
What is the Biggest Thing in the Universe? from
The Universe
Last but not least (greatest, in fact), is the universe. What we can see of it, known as the observable universe, has a diameter of ~8.8x10^23km and is home to trillions of galaxies. The actual size of the universe itself is a mystery to science. It has also been theorized that there are many different universes, though MIACRO focuses on the one we inhabit. Perhaps there is an alternate universe in which MIACRO tackles the multiverse theory.
How large is the observable universe? from NOVA